The VII-th International Symposium "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics" will be held
from September 07 through September 13, 2025 on board a riverboat cruising from Moscow to St.-Petersburg.
This multidisciplinary symposium will be devoted to recent progress in the interrelated fields of the physics of nonlinear waves with applications to systems of different origin and will include three parallel Topical Conferences:
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Machine Learning (NWP‑1)
- High-Power Lasers and Applications (NWP‑2)
- Nonlinear Phenomena in the Atmosphere and Ocean (NWP‑3)
Also planned are a few Workshops, including:
IX Scientific School “Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications” (DCNA 2025)
Russian-Chinese Workshop “Ultra Intense Laser Technology and Intense Field Physics”
The four-deck riverboat “Swan Lake” will cruise from Moscow to St.-Petersburg, with the Volga river, the Onega and Ladoga Lakes, the picturesque islands of Valaam and Kizhi, and a few other places of attraction such as Uglich and Goritsy on the route.
The format of the Symposium offers an excellent opportunity for unlimited informal discussions in addition to usual session presentations. A special sightseeing program along the route and a set of social events are scheduled.

“Swan Lake” (“Лебединое озеро”) riverboat, "Sozvezdie" tour operator